I haven't had a chance to catch up on much lately as I have been potty training my youngest. He is 3 and well...changing his diapers is pretty nasty. I had basically had it with him telling me..."mommy, I pooped" and I would need to change his nastiness.
So, I started a three day potty training on Friday. We had like 9 accidents...and several loads of laundry and other cleaning. Day two was great! I didn't have any accidents while he was with me, but daddy encountered one big mess when I was away at book club.
Day 3...no accidents. We have had a few here and there where he didn't quite make it to the potty...like when I scared the pee out of him when we had to call the fire department because of a burning car behind our house.
He is getting there quickly. I keep him in big boy underwear all the time, naps and bedtime included.
This should help my grocery budget, no diapers!!! YEAH! I have a stock pile of flushable wipes from the FREE deal a while back at Target. I am hoping that will last me a long while!
I hope to post some great deals this week...although, my mail lady didn't bring me my ads today.
If you haven't hit up Sprouts for the strawberries yet...go tomorrow. Grapes are also $.97 lb. I am planning on going tomorrow to pick up my produce for the week.
Oh...I also put myself back on my diet to loose the bit I had gained and the 10lbs. I hadn't lost yet. I started last Sunday. I have lost 8.5 lbs and have 9.5 left to go! I hope to be done in the next 3 weeks and then be on a stabilization plan! So, I am looking for healthy food deals!!!
02/23 - 03/01 walgreens flyer & codes
10 hours ago
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